Unbelievable: Extinct Animal Caught on Camera – Researchers Stunned!

By | March 8, 2024

Recently, a team of researchers from Bush Heritage Australia made a surprising discovery while reviewing a trail camera at Charles Darwin Reserve. The camera captured footage of an animal that had been locally extinct in the area for an extended period.

The researchers were elated by this find. Dr. Michelle Hall, a senior ecologist at Bush Heritage Australia, expressed her excitement, stating, “It’s always thrilling to observe a species we haven’t encountered before exploring our reserves.”

The remarkable creature in question turned out to be a brushtail possum, a nocturnal marsupial native to Australia. Astonishingly, it had traveled over 24 miles to reach the reserve from Mt. Gibson Wildlife Sanctuary.

In 2021, the Australian Wildlife Conservancy (AWC) had initiated a project to reintroduce 49 brushtail possums into Mt. Gibson Wildlife Sanctuary with the hope of reestablishing the threatened species. The fact that one of these possums had ventured so far is considered a positive sign.

A spokesperson from AWC emphasized the significance of the possum’s extensive and safe journey. They remarked, “It affirms the importance of multiple conservation organizations working together by taking complementary approaches to protect and restore interconnected habitat. It also indicates that the possum population is on its way to becoming established at Mt. Gibson and beyond.”


Continued monitoring by scientists will be crucial in ensuring the sustained growth of the possum population. Despite ongoing threats such as habitat loss, resource competition, wildfires, and predation, the collaborative efforts of various organizations are contributing to a more optimistic outlook for the future of brushtail possums.

Australian Wildlife Conservancy senior field ecologist Georgina Anderson highlighted the necessity of collaboration in conservation, stating, “Collaboration is critical because the challenge of conservation at scale is too great for one organization alone. We need to work together.”

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